
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Creative Team Reveal #3

Hi there! My name is Kerryn and I live in Adelaide with my partner and
best friend, Shane and our super handsome five year old son, Harrison.
I work part time, under protest, in Administration. Mainly to fund my serious addiction to the craft.
I partly blame my Mother for this problem, but unfortunately we are as bad as each other.
I started scrapping in 2004, doing memory albums for our little angel in heaven.
In 2007, I joined my first on-line forum for a contest and began scrapping pages about Harrison, my family and of course myself. I haven't really looked back since.
It is now such a huge part of who I am, scrapbooking helps with so many different aspects of my life and I would not give it up for anything.
I thrive on being challenged when creating my pages, I think it helps to keep my brain active LOL! which is important.
It was such a thrill to be approached by Mel to join the team here at Kraft It Up.
I am really looking forward to this new journey.

"My name is Monique and I live in the gorgeous town of Mackay on the North Qld coast.I am married to Mark, a -mostly- patient and understanding man, and am Mummy to a lovely, soon - to - be 5 little boy, Connor.I love scrapping and preserving the important, as well as the everyday moments in my family's life.
I adore using all the gorgeous new products available, as well as adding any cute little vintage ephemera I can find. I don't think I have a set style, although I've been told I have - LOL.
I love using lots of bright colours on my layouts, although I also love grunging up a layout with a variety of distressing techniques.
I am so excited to be part of the Kraft It Up Creative Team - it is such a new and innovative challenge blog, and I am honoured to be creating with such lovely, talented ladies."

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