
Thursday, June 17, 2010


It has come to Kraft It Up's attention that there have been some entries for our challenges that were created for or used for other challenges.

Kraft It Up has a strict rule on the layouts that are entered for our challenges, THEY MUST BE CREATED AND USED ONLY FOR KRAFT IT UP CHALLENGES.

This is also in our information on our sidebar here ------>

Our challenges are designed to help you create gorgeous pages that you love, help inspire others and in return you get the chance to win prizes every month from our very generous sponsors, if you are not complying with the rules then it doesnt make it fair for everyone else that does...

This is disappointing and we do hope it wont happen again...

On a brighter note I will be updating the blog again tomorrow night so if you have an entry you have been meaning to send pop it through for our next update!!!

1 comment:

  1. i think that is a very fair rule to have, and i agree with it......... you shouldnt be able to win multiple prizes and challenges for the same layout......... sorry to hear that some arent complying......... hope everyone reads the rules and plays to those rules when submitting for these challenges....keep up the great work im loving the challenges you are setting each month
