
Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Big Welcome to TARA SCOBIE....

Here is a little bit about Tara...

I am 28 years old, Mum to 3 beautiful kiddo's and partner to Mark. I live in a small country town near the snowy mountains and absolutely love it, I work part time as a florist, and have been there now for 8 years... I love that I can be creative in my workplace, it makes it that much more enjoyable! I have been scrapping for approximately 5 years now, but have really only become addicted in the last year or so. I don't think I could say I have a particular style in my scrapping, but I do love the minimilst style with lots of messy sewing!!

Here is a link to Tara's BLOG

Here are the layouts Tara sent in...


  1. Congrats Tara & welcome to the KIU team!
    I've always loved your work :)

  2. Hi! Tara....Congratulations and welcome to KIU. Your work is fabulous.

  3. congrats tara, love your work, and i just know you will bring so much to this site...

  4. YAY!!! CONGRATS TARA!!! I love your work and can't wait to see your stuff!

  5. Gorgeous LO's Tara. Congratulations !!!

  6. oh, finally some A4 size LO's!!! And soo beautiful! I'll be following your work :)

  7. My favourite scrapper at the moment!! I'm sure you'll inspire us all!!!

  8. Woo Hoo Congratualtions Tara!!! So glad to see U on the team WTG :) :) :)

  9. welcome on board...glad you could join us

  10. Congrats Tara! Looking forward to seeing more of your awesome work! :)

  11. congrats Tara. So great to be working alongside you. :) x
