
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Its SEPTEMBER...... **Edited to add Link Submission details..

And that means a new Kraft It Up Challenge....

WOW what a stunning lot of layouts that were sent in for last months colour challenge, I cant wait to see what you think of September's challenge!
Leave a comment on this post for your chance to win a gorgeous embellishment kit from What Is Old Is New Kits, who have just had a makeover, the winner will be drawn on the 15th September.

Here is the challenge if you choose to accept it, and we hope you do :-)

Create a layout using Kraft and this image for inspiration...
Remember you can take anything out of the image, the banner, the colours, patterns etc...

***Once you have created your entry, post your entry on your blog or preferred online gallery and then use the LINKY tool at the bottom of this post and follow the directions, making sure you leave your name.***

Here are the Creative Teams STUNNING examples...

Wendy Smith....

Tara Scobie...


Susan Longman... Nic Pomeroy.... Michelle Winston...

Melinda Thompson...

Lou Nelson...

Linda Eggleton....

Lauren Bell....

Kerryn Fry....

Kellie Lusted....

Felicity Wilson...

Deb Kupfer....

Upload your layout to be in the running for one of the gorgeous prizes from our sponsors... Entries close 8pm EDST 30 September 2010


  1. wow, stunning examples by the dt, and omg i love that pic for us to get inspiration from, cant wait to start this
    and thanks for the chance to win from wion

  2. wow...will defiantly try this months challenge...things got hectic last month for some reason or another....cross fingers this time!

  3. Truly AMAZING! LO's from the DT's.
    Cant wait too have a go @ this Challenge.
    Thanx for the Challenge!!

  4. WOWSERS girls!!! love those LO's...gorgeous & WIOIN kits are just lovely, gorgeous girlie kit :0)

  5. Oh these are beautiful! I see lots of paint being used! Kraft is my most favoritest thing in the world to work with....hopefully I will get a chance to have a go at this cahllenge!

  6. nice and early to check the month and new season, and new challenges from kraft it up...what more could I want? Maybe a parcel from What is old is new kits? lol...smiles!

  7. Wow, fantastic LO's girls - awesome work!

  8. nice work. i think the DT team is extremely talented. I love your work each month. I think i will finally give it a go this month!!

  9. Cant wait to get started!! So much inspiration in the picture and the sample LOs, thanks girls :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I just went over and had a look at the new look WIOIN - looks fantastic and the kits are devine, great work !!!

  12. Gorgeous examples....will give it a go :)

  13. I'm inspired! Great work ladies.

  14. GORGEOUS work ladies!!! Can't wait to see all the entries for this month. And Mel, lovin the look of WIOIN :)

  15. Amaxing LOs from the DTs and I love the inspiration photo.
    I can't wait to play along this month! :0)

  16. Brilliant challenge this month & I love the inspirational layouts. Fantastic giveaway too, love WIOIN kits...simply gorgeous!

  17. Love the inspiration picture and challenge. Great layouts too girls. Going to check out the new kits!!!

  18. Gorgeous work, girls. Looking forward to seeing everyone's creations this month.

  19. This one will be a 'challenge' for me, but I will have a go!!
    Such gorgeous pages from the DT.

  20. wow, my boys would have loved a bedroom like that, shame they had me for a mum!
    The interpretations by the DT are just wonderful.

  21. These are so fun! I'm thrilled to have some inspiration to use my banners and scrap my boys again! Thank you!

  22. oh count me in! great inspiration through the photo prompt and fabulous variety of samples.

  23. I loved this inspo! Got down and creative straight away, LOVE IT! Thanks to you all. Adore all the DT work!

  24. /such fabulous inspiration!!! love each and every page!!!

  25. oh wow! i just found your site and i just love this challenge. great work by the DT's. thanks for the inspiration an dthe chance to win!

  26. wow just love all these samples. I am going to pop this into my little black chal book.

  27. I just poppped over and checked out the new WIOIN site, yummo. Loving this month's challenge too, thanks for the amazing inspiration.

  28. I just love ALL the entries for the KIU challenges. Lots of inspiration. Thank you.

  29. working on an entry right now....determined to this month, with such great inspiration!!!

  30. Love the sample layouts. Looking forward to giving the challenge a go this month.

  31. Fab challenge. I just linked up my entry.

  32. Very inspiring work by the design team.I'm doing my example now.

  33. Love the inspiration and the examples. Hope to do this one this month!

  34. Looking forward to giving this a go. So many possibilities as seen in the DT layouts. Love them all. Thanks for the ideas.

  35. OMGOOOOOOOOOOSH the entrys are Faaabulous!!!!

    :O :O :O

    WTG all you wonderful Krafty Kreators!!!!!!

    Lou xxx

  36. Oh no, I thought I had until midnight and Ive been stuffing around on my blog all night :( Not to worry - that'll teach me for running so close to the cut off :(
