
Monday, November 28, 2011


Hey Everyone

Just a quick message for all the readers of Kraft It Up, White With 1 and Scrap The Boys...

I am having some major computer issues at the moment and my laptop is off to see someone who can hopefully work out what is wrong with it and fix it tomorrow...

I am therefore, depending on how long it takes to get fixed, could be out of action for a while, hopefully not too long but it may mean that there will not be the monthly challenge posted on the 1st and if you are waiting for emails from me there may be a delay there as well..

I am using my daughters computer at the moment however it doesnt have all of my images from the CT on it which will cause a delay until I get mine back...

Please bear with me, fingers crossed I am back up and going very very soon, that is until this baby decideds to come which will hopefully be after I get the computer back LOL!

Thanks for your understanding...

Mel x

1 comment:

  1. its an unfortunate situation for, but i completely understand, can't wait for decembers challenge once you can post it up
