
Thursday, August 9, 2012

KIU July Winners & Important Information!

There are some changes to how our winners are now selected, this goes for my other sites, White With 1 and Scrap The Boys, from now on there will be 1 CT winner, 1 Random winner and if there is a third sponsor I will alternate between a 2nd random winner and a winner picked by myself.

After I had some information back from readers of the Scrap The Boys blog I have thought a lot about how to make it fairer for everyone involved in regards to winning prizes, I know that there are a lot of challenge sites out there and sometimes it may seem that the same people are winning, I do try not to have this happen on my sites, I dont have a lot of spare time to see who wins other challenges however I do try and make sure that the same people dont win over and over again here, I hope you find the new voting/winning system to be fair....

Also when we have an International entry that is picked by a large number of the CT for our HM vote they will now be offered a Guest CT spot, so if you are an International reader keep an eye out each month to see if your entry and been picked!!!

Here are our winners...

The winner of the $25.00 Voucher from SCRAP THERAPY is...


The winner of the $35.00 Voucher from SCRAP FRIENDS is...


The winner of the $20.00 product pack from 2 CRAFTY is...



  1. Fantastic work ladies - all lovely layouts! And nice news to hear about the prizes, it sounds a much fairer system and hopefull will produce more great entries each month xx

  2. Congratulations girls! These are all gorgeous layouts and very worthy of the wins. Look forward to seeing your entries for this month!

  3. CONGRATS ladies!...and beautiful creations :)

  4. wow thanks so much for selecting my layout as a winner :) and congrats to ll the other winners and everyone else that entered so many awesome entries.

  5. Congrats girls on such fabulous layouts. Looking forward to see what you do next. Cheers Di xo

  6. I didn't know who to contact, so I will post it here. Just wanting to know about my prize, do I have to contact someone to claim?

  7. Hi Marisa
    Please email me at:
    Mel x
