
How it Works & Rules

Please read the below if you are going to enter KIU challenges, this is just an update of some of our rules for this challenge site...

* Firstly and most importantly your entry MUST be created and ONLY entered for this challenge and NOT be used for any other challenge site.

* This leads to the next point which I have been thinking about for a while and have been receiving feedback about, your layout that you have created for THIS challenge site can not be used as a Design Team requirement for another store or challenge site. 
- You are more than welcome to use products that a certain site/handmade store sells and can also have in your post for example, (the polka dot buttons are from Purple Pumpkin or the chevron badges are from the Greatest View etc...) but it cant be created for a DT/CT assignment.

 * International entries now get voted on for a chance to win a Guest Creative Team Spot, the above rules still apply to our International readers, you must create your entry for this site only and not use it for any other challenges or DT requirements.

* Your creations for this site MUST be created on Kraft cardstock or Kraft patterned paper.

* Since August we now have TWO winners that are voted by the CT or myself and a Random winner along with our Guest CT winner which is voted by the CT on our International reader entries.
I hope you understand why these rules are in place, there are so many challenge blogs out there, we are just trying to make an even playing field for everyone.


  1. I just found out about this challenge blog and am tempted to join, if only I have time this month! I have some kraft backgrounds that I'd really like to try. Until then, greetings from snowy Finland!

  2. I happen to find your blog by accident and I am so happy I did. I cant wait to enter in this months projects. Everyone has done a super job.


  3. Hi I found your site and I hope to put a page in this week Suzanne
